
'Trace Task' Mobile-Workforce Application

Facilities Management

  • Think Of All The Tasks That Need To Be Done To Keep A Place Running.
  • With Minimal Effort Trace Task Can Be Used To Report Anything.
  • Start With The Free Version Of Trask Task. Where Is The Risk?

Home Maintenance (Housing)

  • Compliment Your Existing Systems With Trace Task.
  • Trace Task Can Support Tenancy, Property Inspection/Repair/Inspection, Vehicle Stock, Vehicle Checks.
  • Tenants Can Capture Incidents With Location, Photographs, Text For Each Step In A Task List.
  • Homeowners Can Send An Insurance Claim Snag List To The Insurer And Maintenance Team.


  • Builders, Gardeners, Cleaners, Hairdressers,Dog Groomer.
  • Report Before And After Situations.
  • Happy Customers Mean Healthy Cash Flow.


  • Report Good News, Disease, Dietary Issues, Parasites, Vandalism, Fly Tipping, Prove Work.
  • Capture Information Remote From Wireless Networks.
  • One Person Businesses Can Use Trace Task Data.
  • Larger Organisations Can Integrate Trace Task Data For Automatic Processing.


  • Trace Each Step In A Secrurity Guard's Round.
  • Capture Break-In Text, Time, Date, Location, Photographs.
  • A Network Of Builders Could Employ A Single Security Guard.
  • Know For Certain That Your Security Checks Were Made.
  • Prove To You Customer Or Manager That You Were There.

Virtually Limitless

  • If You Think Of Another Application For TraceTask Then Let Us Know.
  • Retailers Are Using QR Codes To Hold Information About Products.
  • On Holiday, Record Location Information For Later Use.
  • Found a Lost Pet? Record The Details With Trace Task.
  • Pick Up Friends And Family From Unfamiliar Locations.